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Dear Subscriber,

Welcome to the Summer Edition of ClubRunner News, the online newsletter for Rotary Clubs and Districts.

You are receiving this eBulletin because you expressed interest in ClubRunner. In this edition you will find helpful information about how to make club communication easy!
District Demo: Revolutionize District Communications

Join us in a special one-hour live demonstration, where you will receive a guided tour of ClubRunner's district version and learn how you can:

  • Centralize and manage all club and membership databases and report changes to RI;
  • Maintain district and club organizational charts with committee structures;
  • Keep track of and report monthly attendance by all clubs;
  • And much more!

    More details...
  • Membership Growth: Stay Above the Curve

    The law of diminishing returns is that a "success" curve flattens out at the top. Regardless of the amount of extra work you put in, you just can't expect to get the same proportionate result. This is true of your club's membership goals and objectives.

    Membership growth is not a long-range goal. It's an immediate need that requires a plan. Learn about the three factors that will help your club avoid the declining curve of membership. 

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    Committees Module Now Available

    A brand new module to manage all club and district committee listings is now available to all ClubRunner users!

    With this new feature, you are able to update listings of all yearly and standing committees and their members, complete with designations and contact information. Create sub-committees, upload relevant documents to share and send targeted emails to committee members with the Enhanced Version. 

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    21 Places To Find New Members

    Membership development and retention is a constant challenge, but requires attention and effort in order to be successful. Finding potential new members for yor club is much easier than you think. In your day-to-day activities, simply promote the features and benefits of your club as the opportunity is presented to you. A 30-second commerical is all that you need to capture the attention of your target audience.

    Wondering who you should target? Here are 21 kinds of people that can be potential members of your club. 

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    Upcoming Events

    It's the season for Zone Institutes and ClubRunner will be in a city near you!

    Get more information about ClubRunner's presence at these events and a detailed listing today. 

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    ClubRunner © 2009 Doxess Inc. All rights reserved.