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Posted on Nov 03, 2013

Prime Minister Mark R. Smith

Leads the Royal Rosarians


(Photo courtesy of Sir Knight Bill Barry)


The Royal Rosarians salute Prime Minister Mark and First Lady Bobbie Smith as they set forth on an exciting year filled with marvelous festivals, beautiful rose planting ceremonies, ambassadorial duties and the Prime Minister’s Trip to Russia, where they will lead Rosarians along “The Waterways of the Czars”.   


Posted on Sep 30, 2013

New Rosarians Welcomed

to the Realm of Rosaria     

Rose Festival Queen Hannah Rice, Prime Minister Gayle Whitehurst and the Class of 2013. (Photo courtesy of Sir Knight Bill Barry)

The Class of 2013 is pictured in this photo just after they were knighted as Royal Rosarians. You will recognize many who have become significantly involved in our organization.

Thirteen New Members were knighted into the Royal Rosarians at this traditional event. The class of 2013 is a phenomenal group of individuals with outstanding spouses. They will be a great addition to our ranks.  

The Class of 2013 and their sponsors include: Kathleen Day (Suzanne Day), Joana Dinu (Gayle Whitehurst), Del Doellefeld (Conrad Marquard), Mark Herron (Gary Cornell), John Linngren (Kimberly Bown), Patricia Maberry (Carla Stenberg), Jeff Mandel (Tom Sagerser), Jeff McRitchie (Michael Ware), Martin Moll (Bob Kronquist), David Rich (Sue Klobertanz), Suzanne Seida (Gayle Whitehurst), Dan Staton (Gayle Whitehurst) and Roger Thompson (Gayle Whitehurst).


 Official Ambassadors of the City of Portland



 Chad Stover and Rachael Wiggins present Prime Minister Mark and First Lady Bobbie Smith with Mayor Charlie Hales' Declaration. 

(Photo courtesy of Sir Knight Bill Barry)


Ambassadors, Community Service and Tradition

By Mayoral Declaration, the Royal Rosarians serve as the Official Greeters and Ambassadors

of Goodwill for the City of Portland. We are dedicated to community service through the

charitable activities of our Royal Rosarian Foundation. We honor our legacy of tradition with

rich pageantry and ceremonies from the mythical Realm of Rosaria.



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