Far West PETS
The President Elect Training Seminar (PETS) serving nine Rotary International districts in California, Nevada and Hawaii
March 6-8, 2015 DoubleTree Hotel San Jose, CA

Here are some questions you might have along with some answers


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If you have any questions regarding Far West PETS that are not answered below please contact your District Governor Elect. After registration opens mid-October there will be additional contacts posted to assist you.


Frequently Asked Questions

May I bring my spouse or partner?PETS is a business session for Presidents-Elect; sorry, we are not able to accommodate partners.

I lost the invitation email that was sent to me. What shall I do?Contact the registrar.

Are there rooms for the handicapped?Yes.
Are special meals available?Yes. Vegetarian meals are a common option available in your registration form. For other special dietary needs, please send your inquiry to the registrar, and we will determine in advance what can be done to accommodate you.
I am diabetic and need to keep my medication refrigerated.Please indicate that special need in the special comments section at the end of your registration form. We will request that the hotel provide in-room refrigeration suitable to that purpose.
Where can I store my luggage while checking in?Keep your luggage in your car when you arrive, if you are arriving by alternate transportation, luggage service will be available.
SURVEYS-Several surveys will be conducted to evaluate subject matter, instructors and the overall event. We appreciate your assistance in responding so that we may continue to improve Far West PETS.
PRINTED PROGRAM- The printed program gives you the time and location of the entire PETS schedule, as well as a map of the DoubleTree facility. You are given a Group Letter (A-T) which designates which class you are with the entire weekend. Your Group Letter is on your name badge. 
NAME BADGES- Please wear at all times. The name badge has a letter which designates your Training Sessions location and schedule - found on the front pages of the printed program. Additionally, all of your meal tickets will be included with your name badge in the registration packet.
HOSPITALITY SUITES- The district hospitality suites are open Friday and Saturday evenings, after the dinner sessions. For the location of your district's suite, check the printed program.
INFORMATION and EMERGENCIES- If you have any questions, an emergency, or need help see one of the Sergeants-At-Arms.
HOTEL ROOM KEYS- On Friday, your hotel room keys will be distributed to you at your District Governor Elect meeting beginning at 5:05 in the afternoon. Do not stand in line at the hotel front desk; our staff will bring you your room key at that session.
TRAINING SESSIONS- You will attend six Training Sessions plus a session with your Assistant District Governor and two with your Governor Elect. You will be with the same group for all six training sessions. Your group will include your Assistant Governor, other Presidents-Elect from your Area within your district as well as AGs and PEs from other districts. Each training group has been assigned a letter (A-T). The letter is on your name badge and there is a schedule of which room each group goes to for each session in front of the printed program. The sessions with your Assistant District Governor and Governor Elect are also listed in the printed program.  Optional high value classes will be offered Sunday morning. Registration for those classes will announce the available subjects.
MEAL TICKETS- Make certain you present your meal tickets to the Sergeant-at-Arms at the entrance to meal events. All meal tickets should be included in your name badge holder.
PHOTOGRAPHS- Photos for your District Directory are being taken all day Friday and Saturday morning. These may be used for your district's directory. Please wear business attire for your photograph. Look for signs at registration and lobby directing you to the photographer's location.
CERTIFICATION- Upon your completion of this 2015 Far West PETS session, you will receive a certificate of completion presented at your last session.
HOTEL CHECK-OUT- For a rapid checkout on Sunday, use the check-out program on the T.V. monitor in your room.

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