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District Dashboards

Visualize your district's statistics and metrics with charts and graphs. Now the data that is most important to help the clubs within your district recruit and retain members are accessible at the click of a mouse!

Now district officers and executives can easily know:

  • The clubs in your district with the highest growth
  • The gender distribution within the district
  • Gauge overall membership and numbers for the entire district
  • Clubs with the best and worst attendance
  • Membership history
  • Age distribution

You even have the ability to filter by area such that you can generate membership statistics by area as well as by club, for a more refined search.


Area Governors can access a dashboard view of all the clubs in their are and can generate more reports to monitor their clubs membership.

You can access the Dashboards feature in the District admin menu, under the Membership tab.

For more information, contact us or register to attend a live product demonstration.
For more information, contact us or register to attend a live product demonstration.





Read more about ClubRunner's District Features.