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Prepare Your Club for Growth

Do your members look forward to your next meeting? Are most of your guests joining your club? If your answer to either question is "no," it’s time to find out why and change it!

Every club strives to increase their membership roster and is successful by gaining a new member now and then. But do those members stay? If not, why not? If new members generally don’t stay with a club, the club is not meeting their needs. For continuous membership growth, make your club worth belonging to! Start by evaluating your club using the Moments of Truth analysis.

After the inventory is compiled you have a benchmark – a starting point for club improvements in every factor needed to sustain growth. Let's begin...

A moment of truth is a brief window of time in which a critical objective must be achieved. An example of the first moment of truth experienced by a prospective member is when he/she walks for the first time into the club's meeting room. Is the prospective member greeted warmly and introduced to the members of the club and made to feel at home? If the answer is yes, then your club was successful during this particular moment of truth!

The Moments of Truth evaluation is an objective look at club operations and programs to determine how these can be improved for obtaining and retaining members. Experience has shown that clubs which maintain a high standard of excellence in their club programming, operation, management, member participation and community activities have a large membership. Watch for areas that need your immediate attention.

Improve those activities which you already are doing. Take prompt action to get underway those activities needing improvement. The club president should assign responsibilities to the appropriate member or committee. It requires a coordinated effort of each officer and member to prepare your club for growth.

Click here to download evaluation.

Adapted from Toastmasters International

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